It moved at a good pace in the game but it goes a mile a minute here with no explanation to some actions. The characters are ones that are very easy to like and the story albeit depressing works phenomenally and keeps you interested. The character of Yuka was a sweet, adorable, and innocent girl (brutally stabbed to death by an anatomical model), Yoshiki was the mandatory badass of the group (died protecting Ayumi), and Satoshi was a bit of a coward but could summon his bravery when he needed (just dies in the end with no explanation whatsoever). The characters in the game were very well developed, very likable, and you got invested and could relate to them and to see them be killed in the gruesome manner it was its almost unwatchable. The biggest problem I have is that it kills off every character except Ayumi & Naomi. I have no problem with seeing the insides of a person, I had to dissect a fetile pig and cat in high school and I've seen surgery on animals up close and in person. The gore is over the top with a title like corpse party you'd expect it, but when it goes to gallons of blood squirting out thats way to excessive (there were points in the game that had a lot of gore but those scenes called for it, while here it's over every little thing). What makes this OVA a failure is that it's rushed, it's condensed into 4 episodes with no way to develop the characters (you pretty much have to play the games to know or care about them). Yui is decapitated, which leads me to saying this anime IS NOT for the faint of heart). Yui sacrifices herself to save Ayumi and falls to her death (in this ova Sakuroto is brutally stabbed in the neck and bleeds out, while Ms. So they have to escape the school but unfortunately in the true ending of the game only Satoshi, Yuka, Naomi, Ayumi, & Yoshiki survive as the rest are killed: Seiko is hung by a possessed Naomi, Mayu is thrown into a wall and pulverized by 2 of the ghost kids, Sakuroto committed suicide upon learning of Mayu's death, and Ms. However the group of 9 have been separated as the school is made of closed spaces (they're in the same school but different versions shaped by the ghost of 3 kids who attended the school and were murdered there). But after doing the charm they're whisk away to an abandoned elementary school that is FILLED with ghost and corpses of those brought to the school. The charm is one thats supposed to bring all 9 of them together so that no matter where they go in life they'll always be friends. The 9 of them have finished their schools annual Cultural Festival and are about to head home when Ayumi suggest they do a charm called "Sachiko Ever After". Yui, & Yuka (Satoshi's younger middle school sister). The game follows 7 high school students: Satoshi, Yoshiki, Ayumi, Naomi, Seiko, Mayu, & Sakuroto, their teacher Ms. This OVA/mini-series is based off of the game "Corpse Party: Blood Covered Repeated" which was a remake of the original Corpse Party of 1996 and another in 2008.

It was all.a dream.Now I only JUST found out about this series last month. Naomi: What the hell kind of dream was that?! Why, Naomi.? I was ready.but now.I don't want to die. Seiko: Your lips are a lot softer than I thought they'd be. You won't have to count it as your first kiss. Seiko: I just want to know what it feels like. Naomi: All right already! Don't worry about me. I'll bet nobody else in class has ever seen you with so much snot before. Naomi: What are you saying?! *sob* You're an.idiot. Even if I'm not around.he'll take care of you. Naomi: If you die, Seiko.I.I don't think. Seiko: If I do.I want you to leave me here, and find a way out of this school.because I know, Naomi.

Naomi: Of course I'll be sad! Don't you dare die on me! Seiko: Naomi? When I die.will you be sad? I can't.stop the bleeding from your chest. Pick up Seiko's cell phone and head back to Naomi.Continue with the story until you're back with Satoshi.Return to the infirmary and check on Seiko's corpse.Regardless of the option picked, Naomi will tell her dream to Satoshi Mochida. However, if Naomi disagrees, the dream will end immediately.
She dreams about Seiko Shinohara, in which Seiko asks Naomi to kiss her. Naomi Nakashima's is asleep in the infirmary.